Thursday, March 5, 2020

A Guide to Weighted vs. Unweighted GPAs

A Guide to Weighted vs. Unweighted GPAs In high school, students are asked to think about a lot of different things. Class load, homework, and test scores account for only parts of the total package, while GPA (or grade point average) sits at the forefront. GPA matters as you begin to think about study plans for AP classes, pursuing internships, and college applications. GPAs, however, dont always get evaluated in the same way. A guide to weighted vs. unweighted GPAs involves an understanding of how certain classes are weighted differently from others, as well as how those numbers factor into your academic transcript. Every high school is different in how they calculate a student's GPA, the difference being weighted vs. unweighted GPAs. The variation between weighted and unweighted GPAs is easy to distinguish, but can seem foreign at first glance. When it comes to understanding how your high school and potential colleges look at GPA, it is important to have all of your facts straight. Here is a guide to discovering the difference between weighted and unweighted GPAs: The basics of weighted vs. unweighted GPAs Most GPAs are calculated using an unweighted scale, which extends from 0 to 4.0. These GPAs do not look at how difficult a students coursework may be, and represents an A as a 4.0, regardless of class or curriculum. [RELATED: 4 Important Facts to Know About Your GPA] A weighted GPA, on the contrary, reflects a students academic coursework more accurately. It weights different classes by giving a different letter grade to GPA conversion depending on course difficulty. It exists on a scale of 0-5.0, so an A in one class is equal to 4.0, but an A in another may be a 5.0. Some schools even have mid-level classes that award a 4.5 for an A. Doing the math: weighted vs. unweighted For an unweighted GPA, you simply need to assign numbers to your letter grades and add them up. If you have three As, two Bs, and a C you would: add 4.0+4.0+4.0+3.0+3.0+2.0=20 divide by total number of classes (6) GPA = 3.33 To calculate a weighted GPA, each grade is considered in accordance with its class level. Youd follow a similar method to the one described above, though youd make adjustments for higher- and lower-level classes. What weighted vs. unweighted GPAs mean on college applications Comparing weighted and unweighted GPAs can be difficult, because it is like looking at apples and orangesyoure still viewing fruit, but the similarities dont extend much further. Colleges understand that not all students can offer a weighted GPA, so many look at coursework and make these distinctions themselves. If youve challenged yourself and received a B, a school may look more favorably on that than if youve skated by on easy classes. Coursework is especially important here; many students may share a similar GPA or class rank, so your specific pathway may make a lasting impression. The good news is that college admissions professionals are quite used to unweighted GPAs, so theyll know how to sift through those applications to assess your potential for academic success. If you go to a school that has weighted GPAs, youll also need to be aware that a 4.0 is actually not top-tieraim for somewhere closer to a 5.0. Youll also need to think more about class rank, since youll be ranked higher based on difficulty of your classes. Weighted and unweighted GPAs: the bottom line No matter the GPA system in place at your school, youve got a unique set of challengesand a unique set of opportunities. Both require that you think carefully about the courses you choose to take and your academic performance in them. Weighted or unweighted, your GPA and class selection can determine whether or not you are accepted into a particular school, what scholarships you receive, and what courses you are eligible to take. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

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