Friday, March 6, 2020

2015 New Years Challenge Winners Send us your After Video and earn an extra 50 ITC!

2015 New Years Challenge Winners Send us your After Video and earn an extra 50 ITC! I finished the 2015 New Years Language Challenge! 20 hours of Mandarin in 6 weeks! Completing the Challenge was definitely harder than I thought it would be, but I am so glad that I kept going.  After my very last session, I was very happy and couldnt believe how much I had learned!  20 hours is a lot, especially if you are as bad at planning as I am  but I am so glad that I kept going. Keeping track of my weekly goals was especially helpful, as it helped me see  which areas needed most improvement. One thing that I wanted to do was to see how much my Mandarin has improved. I had made a Public Video Pledge  where I spoke some Mandarin at the beginning of the Challenge and as I was making my final video, I decided to edit in my Before Video  and found a noticeable difference! Watch below and judge for yourself! Join me by making your very own AFTER video! If you won the Challenge and previously sent into to us your Before video, heres your chance  to show off your Challenge achievements in a video. Not only that, but  well be rewarding you with an additional 50 ITC!   Here are some ideas of what you can include in your video: Show off your improvement in the language you were learning Introduce yourself and tell us what language(s) you were learning for the Challenge Tell us about your italki teacher(s). What did you like about them? What did you learn about learning a new language after completing the Challenge? Do you have any advice for people who are thinking of taking the Challenge in the future? Label the video: “(italki username) completed the 2015 italki New Year’s Language Challenge!” Write a Notebook Entry “I completed the 2015 italki New Years Language Challenge and paste the YouTube/Youku URL. Send the link to your notebook entry to support(at) and  we will send you a 50 ITC voucher straight away! I personally just wanted to thank each and every one of you for helping us create a wonderful language learning community.  If you didnt manage to complete the Challenge then dont worry, there will be plenty of more opportunities! Thank you for taking part  and I hope you found it just as fun as I did! Keep on pushing, Josie 2015 New Years Challenge Winners Send us your After Video and earn an extra 50 ITC! I finished the 2015 New Years Language Challenge! 20 hours of Mandarin in 6 weeks! Completing the Challenge was definitely harder than I thought it would be, but I am so glad that I kept going.  After my very last session, I was very happy and couldnt believe how much I had learned!  20 hours is a lot, especially if you are as bad at planning as I am  but I am so glad that I kept going. Keeping track of my weekly goals was especially helpful, as it helped me see  which areas needed most improvement. One thing that I wanted to do was to see how much my Mandarin has improved. I had made a Public Video Pledge  where I spoke some Mandarin at the beginning of the Challenge and as I was making my final video, I decided to edit in my Before Video  and found a noticeable difference! Watch below and judge for yourself! Join me by making your very own AFTER video! If you won the Challenge and previously sent into to us your Before video, heres your chance  to show off your Challenge achievements in a video. Not only that, but  well be rewarding you with an additional 50 ITC!   Here are some ideas of what you can include in your video: Show off your improvement in the language you were learning Introduce yourself and tell us what language(s) you were learning for the Challenge Tell us about your italki teacher(s). What did you like about them? What did you learn about learning a new language after completing the Challenge? Do you have any advice for people who are thinking of taking the Challenge in the future? Label the video: “(italki username) completed the 2015 italki New Year’s Language Challenge!” Write a Notebook Entry “I completed the 2015 italki New Years Language Challenge and paste the YouTube/Youku URL. Send the link to your notebook entry to support(at) and  we will send you a 50 ITC voucher straight away! I personally just wanted to thank each and every one of you for helping us create a wonderful language learning community.  If you didnt manage to complete the Challenge then dont worry, there will be plenty of more opportunities! Thank you for taking part  and I hope you found it just as fun as I did! Keep on pushing, Josie

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